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Kakuhiro Nonaka

Kakuhiro Nonaka - Kakuhiro Bamboo Rod
Kakuhiro Nonaka has more than 30 year's career as a professional fly rodmaker. Born in the old city of Kyoto, he was a renegade and wanted to become a rock musician. After years of struggle he gave it up, and found a job at Kineya, an antique camera and fly fishing shop. His experience at Kineya taught him valuable lessons; as the sales clerk, and then as the repair technician, he saw, cast, and in some cases took apart numerous classic rods made in USA. It was then that he developed a understanding of the requirements of quality fly rods. That he became an individual rodmaker was a matter of course.

Kakuhiro is one of the few rodbuilders who utilizes hachiku bamboo harvested in Japan. Originally from China, hachiku (Phyllostachys nigra var. henonis) is a common species of bamboo but the quality material comes only from reliable sources. He has a neighbor that deals in bamboo material, and his main clients are high-end craftspeople in Kyoto but he selects hachiku material also for Kakuhiro, whose standards are more rigorous than other artisans. Because the hachiku fiber is delicate and the culm splits very fine, it has long been used for umbrella bones, lantern frame and tea whisks. However the stiffness of fiber is higher than that of madake bamboo, giving the material a unique properties, different from tonkin cane or madake bamboo.

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Products and Prices


Kakuhiro used to offer rods in various configurations, but he now concentrates mostly on 4-piece rods. He draws his own ferrules out of nickel silver pipes and his hardware is heavily influenced by the Kyoto tradition, his root culture.

He is most famous for the delicate, slow action (S models) that is difficult to realize in other material than hachiku with full hollow construction. He well understands that the weight of ferrules and shaft, plus the internal and external taper of the blank all contribute to create the ideal rod recovery speed for the purpose. His L series feature medium-fast, progressive action for hachiku standards. 5 weight rods (T80, K83 and K86) employ complex hollowing, with the bottom section solid, for the pulling power and structural integrity to tangle with big trout.

Rod Prices

4-piece rod, with extra tip: from 261,800 yen (T69) to 284,020 yen (K86)

Rod Models
ModelLengthSectionsLine #Action
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